Синяя линия MAX

Легкорельсовый транспорт синей линии MAX соединяет Hillsboro, Beaverton, Portland City Center, East Portland и Gresham.

MAX Light Rail ежедневно ходит каждые 15 минут или чаще большую часть дня. Подробнее

Расписания синей линии MAX

Действующие сервисные оповещения:

Through Wednesday, January 29, the east elevators at Washington Park MAX Station will be out of service for maintenance. Please use the west elevators at the opposite side of the platform, adjacent to the World Forestry Center. For more info, see: trimet.org/elevators More

MAX Blue Line to Gresham may be experiencing up to 10 minute delay through 8:45 p.m. due to earlier police activity near NE 82nd Ave.

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