Работа над проектом Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project была приостановлена в 2020 г. после того, как избиратели отклонили финансирование многочисленных улучшений транспорта из местного бюджета. В начале 2022 г. Metro, TriMet и Федеральное управление общественного транспорта завершили работу над итоговым заключением о воздействии на окружающую среду (FEIS) и выпустили отчет о принятии решения (ROD), чтобы проект в будущем имел право на финансирование из федерального бюджета. Посетите веб-сайт проекта Metro для ознакомления с этими документами.
The Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project was designed to improve access and opportunities for everyone, advance climate strategies, and get people where they need to go, safely and affordably.
The project would increase access to living wage jobs in Tigard and Tualatin, and to educational opportunities, serving PCC Sylvania, OHSU, PSU and other institutions
Since the decision to build MAX was made, almost 40 percent of all new and rebuilt multi-family housing has occurred within walking distance of light rail lines.
As of fall 2020, more than 40 disadvantaged business enterprises — firms owned by women and people of color — worked on project development.
Partners have a bold vision for preserving and building more affordable housing along the light rail route, including a pledge to identify sites for 950 units.
The project will make biking and walking safer and more comfortable, with 10 miles of new sidewalks and crosswalks and over six miles of enhanced bicycles facilities, including areas with shared streets, raised protected bike lanes and protected intersections.
The project would make biking and walking safer and more comfortable, with 10 miles of new sidewalks and crosswalks and over six miles of enhanced bicycles facilities, including areas with shared streets, raised protected bike lanes and protected intersections.
MAX runs on electricity uses regenerative braking and is a proven green technology in our region for more than 30 years.
The project was projected to create nearly 28,000 jobs, supporting the region’s economy.
Investing in transit encourages private and public development. To date, more than $25 billion in development has occurred within walking distance of MAX.
MAX costs less to operate per ride than buses, making it an economically sustainable investment.
By fall 2020, the project had exceeded its goal of awarding 20 percent of design contracts to DBE firms. To date, 20 percent of project preliminary design contracts have been awarded to firms owned by people of color and women.
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