9-Powell Blvd

9-Powell Blvd соединяет Gresham Central Transit Center, SE Portland, South Waterfront и Portland City Center через Tilikum Crossing вдоль Powell и Portland Transit Mall (5th и 6th авеню).

Частое обслуживание Этот автобус ездит ежедневно каждые 15 минут или чаще большую часть дня. Подробнее

Расписание маршрута 9

Действующие сервисные оповещения:

No service at northbound stop N Main & NE 10th (Stop ID 3683) due to construction. Use temp stop on 10th Dr between Main & Roberts.

Beginning Friday, March 21, through Sunday, April 6, for trips to Portland no service at SW Lincoln & 1st (Stop ID 3398) and SW Hall & 5th (Stop ID 13780) due to construction. Use temp stops at SW 1st & Lincoln and at 200 Block SW Harrison (Stop ID 2567).

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