Работа над проектом Southwest Corridor Light Rail Project была приостановлена в 2020 г. после того, как избиратели отклонили финансирование многочисленных улучшений транспорта из местного бюджета. В начале 2022 г. Metro, TriMet и Федеральное управление общественного транспорта завершили работу над итоговым заключением о воздействии на окружающую среду (FEIS) и выпустили отчет о принятии решения (ROD), чтобы проект в будущем имел право на финансирование из федерального бюджета. Посетите веб-сайт проекта Metro для ознакомления с этими документами.
Regional modeling estimates that there will be 37,500 weekday trips on the Southwest Corridor Light Rail by 2035. Projected ridership and how people get to the stations affects how each station is designed. Below is information on how the project accounts for different ways of getting to the stations.
Walking represents a sizable portion of how people are expected to access stations. To facilitate safe and comfortable walking connections, the project will contribute to a more fully connected, safe street network, with design treatments such as new mid-block crossings and sidewalks.
While biking is not accounted for in the regional ridership model, providing bike facilities is an important part of the project. Additionally, stations will accommodate secure locations to store and park bicycles with more space dedicated at stations demonstrating greater biking demand. The number of bike parking spaces at each station will be determined later in the design process.
Review biking and walking improvements on the Bike and Walk Improvements page.
With the addition of Southwest Corridor Light Rail service, TriMet will make changes in the bus network to maximize ridership, create new connections and minimize duplication. For purposes of ridership modeling, planners have made assumptions about potential bus service changes, based largely on TriMet’s Southwest Service Enhancement Plan (SW SEP). About a year prior to beginning Southwest Corridor Light Rail service, TriMet will engage riders in a public process to revisit these assumptions and confirm a bus service plan that serves future needs while minimizing service duplication.
Park & Ride facilities serve riders traveling from farther distances or from locations without convenient transit service to access the light rail system. Community engagement in Spring 2019 helped define the currently proposed quantity, locations, and type of Park & Rides. All proposed Park & Ride quantities are subject to further traffic studies and could be reduced in future design refinements.
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